Негабаритные перевозки – Dealex
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Негабаритные перевозки

From the very beginning, we handled project cargoes, and gradually it became our main area of expertise. Heavy reactors, transformers, wind turbines, strippers, presses, generators and conditioners – all kinds of industrial machinery.

What we do with a project cargo:

  1. Feasibility check, general budgeting
  2. Route survey, job site inspections, road preparation recommendations. All in-house.
  3. Engineering, method statements, work with drawings
  4. Road permits for heavy and oversized cargoes, work permits
  5. Selecting and chartering of barges, specialized trailers, airplanes, cranes, jacking systems etc.
  6. Stevedoring and supervision during cargo operations, handling, tackling, securing and assembly, as well as ballasting, rolling on-off, welding, cutting and other works
  7. Customs procedures

We’ll assess the nature and amount of the cargo and see if we have to charter a ship for it, load it in containers (at least a part of the lot) or deploy a roll-trailer and send it via a ro-ro line .

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